Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

Super Junior provided the entire audience members of "Hello" with Korean beef.

Super Junior Members Provides Korean Beef to Entire Audience of "Hello" Talk Show

Super Junior Members Provides Korean Beef to Entire Audience of "Hello" Talk Show
Super Junior provided the entire audience members of "Hello" with Korean beef.
On July 23 broadcast of KBS' talk show "Hello" Super Junior member LeeteukEunhyukRyeowookSungmin, and Kyuhyun were featured as the guest.
Hallyu star Super Junior along with the introduction of the show hosts performed shortly their synchronized choreography of their new song "Sexy, Free & Single."
Afterwards Super Junior members presented the entire audience of several hundred with Korean beef Tteokgalbi.
Kyuhyun even directly passed out the Ttokgalbi impressing the studio audience.
Photo Credit: KBS

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