Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Super Junior Kyuhyun and Psy both reveal their well-known sweaty armpits.

Super Junior Kyuhyun Too Interested in Psy's Sweaty Armpits, His Get Sweaty, Too

kyuhyun psy sweaty pits
Super Junior Kyuhyun and Psy both revealed their well-known sweaty armpits. 
Kyuhyun, the MC of MBC "Radio Star" specifically requested that guest star Psy would show his trademark "sweaty pits."
As Kyuhyun was demonstrating with his arms lifted, Psy noticed his slight sweat patches. He called Kyuhyun out by saying, "You have them, too." Psy began sweating more as the guest stars prodded, "Can you just sweat when you want to?" and, "Is your sweat the equivalent to your tears?" 
Psy commented, "As you all know, my singing career has had some bumps. I faced a lot of trials through my twelve years, but, I've never experienced such desires to retract as I have the past year since my armpit incident." He shared how even when he walks, people would pass by and peek at his armpits. Psy shared how it made him subconsciousy stick his arms to his side.
As the guest stars began to egg him on saying, "It's time!" Psy stuck his arms to his side, just as he confessed. The guest stars tried to pry his arms off. As Psy exclaimed, "No!" they laughed even more.

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